Beginning Reading Lesson Design by Nancy Kate Walker
Rationale: This lesson will teach the students about the short vowel correspondence i=/i/. To read, the students must first learn to recognize the spellings that map word pronunciations. This lesson will teach students to recognize, spell, and read words containing the short vowel i. They will then learn a meaningful representation by saying “Icky I”, they will spell and read words containing spellings with the short i sound in a Letterbox lesson and read a decodable book that focuses on the correspondence i=/i/.
A picture of someone eating ice cream
Letter tiles
Letter boxes
The book Slim Bill Gets a Hat
Short i worksheet
1. Say: We are going to learn about the letter /i/. Think about a time when your hands felt really sticky. Maybe you were eating ice cream or candy! The last time my hands were sticky I said “icky, my hands are sticky” (model this gesture).
2. Say: Let’s try to recognize the letter /i/ in words. First let’s make the /i/ sound and think about the way our mouth moves. My mouth is opened wide and my lips make a stretched-out smile. Make sticky hands if you hear /i/ and feel your mouth open wide and stretch into a smile: the, trim, kit, add, tan, fin, hip, wig, hitch, bath.
3. Say: Now we are going to practice spelling words that contain icky /i/. Let’s try to spell skin! Skin has four phonemes /s/ /k/ /i/ /n/ so we will put four boxes on the board! And we know the /i/ is the third phoneme in skiiiin so let’s put that in the third box! For the first box we hear /s/ /s/ /s/ that’s an s so let’s put the s in the first box! Now in skin we hear kkkkk. That’s an k so let’s put a k in the second box. We already know our icky /i/ is next so what’s after that in ssskin. It’s n n n which is a ‘n’ so let’s put that on the board! Now let’s say the whole word sskkiinn skin! Great job!
4. Now it is yalls turn to practice with your letterbox! The first word is dim “let’s dim the lights”. How many phonemes are in this word? *class answers 3* “Yes! So we will put three boxes and you all will put the letters in them. *observe* Great job! Our next word is fit. How many phonemes are in fit?” *Have class answer* Great job! So, we will put down three letterboxes and then everyone put in your letters! *observe* *repeat this process with did, bin, tip, skid, and lick*
5. Y’all did great! Now I will let y’all read the words you just spelled! *write each word they just spelled on the board one at a time and write the next word once the class has said the written word all together*
6. Now let’s read a story! Slim Bill Gets a Hat is a story about a crab named Bill and fish named Liz. Bill and Liz are friends who love to love to swim! One day, Bill gets mad! Let’s read to find out what happens to Bill. (pair children up so they can read alternating pages, walk around classroom to scaffold)
7. That was a fun story! What were yalls favorite parts of the story? *discuss* For the assessment pass out the worksheet. Students color the word that contain /i/.
Assessment Sheet
Abbigail Willis, Aaaaa That's Scary
Dani Rosener, Slim Bill Get a Hat